169 research outputs found

    Updating material factors for assessment of historic reinforced concrete bridge

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    This paper is focused on the reliability analysis of an existing reinforced concrete bridge from 1908. The load bearing capacity is assessed in accordance with valid standards using updated partial factors and the partial factors for structural design. Load bearing capacities obtained by these methods are critically compared. The application of the updated partial factors leads to 15 % higher load bearing capacity than the ordinary partial factor method used for structural design

    Selected topics in homogenization of transport processes in historical masonry structures

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    The paper reviews several topics associated with the homogenization of transport processed in historical masonry structures. Since these often experience an irregular or random pattern, we open the subject by summarizing essential steps in the formulation of a suitable computational model in the form of Statistically Equivalent Periodic Unit Cell (SEPUC). Accepting SEPUC as a reliable representative volume element is supported by application of the Fast Fourier Transform to both the SEPUC and large binary sample of real masonry in search for effective thermal conductivities limited here to a steady state heat conduction problem. Fully coupled non-stationary heat and moisture transport is addressed next in the framework of two-scale first-order homogenization approach with emphases on the application of boundary and initial conditions on the meso-scale.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 table


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    In this contribution we focus on recovery of spatial distribution of material parameters utilizing only non-invasive boundary measurements. Such methods has gained its importance as imaging techniques in medicine, geophysics or archaeology. We apply similar principles for non-stationary heat transfer in civil engineering. In oppose to standard technique which rely on external loading devices, we assume the natural fluctuation of temperature throughout day and night can provide sufficient information to recover the underlying material parameters. The inverse problem was solved by a modified regularised Gauss-Newton iterative scheme and the underlying forward problem is solved with a finite element space-time discretisation. We show a successful reconstruction of material parameters on a synthetic example with real measurements. The virtual experiment also reveals the insensitivity to practical precision of sensor measurements

    Nejistoty smykové odolnosti železobetonových nosníků s třmínky – porovnání postupů podle EN 1992-1-1 a fib MC 2010

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    The submitted contribution is focused on the model uncertainty related to shear resistance of reinforced concrete beams with stirrups. Using available test results, effects of basic variables on the model uncertainty are analysed. Considering the section-oriented models provided in EN 1992-1-1 and in the new fib Model Code 2010 are critically compared. Proposed probabilistic description of the model uncertainty consists of the lognormal distribution having the mean and coefficient of variation dependent on the considered model. Strength of shear reinforcement seems to be the most important basic variable for most of the considered models.Příspěvek je zaměřen na modelové nejistoty smykové odolnosti železobetonových prvků s třmínky. S využitím dostupných experimentálních dat se porovnávají nejistoty modelů v EN 1992- 1-1 a fib Model Code 2010. Jsou identifikovány veličiny významně ovlivňující modelovou nejistotu. Teoretický popis nejistot se opírá o lognormální rozdělení s průměrem a variačním koeficientem závislým na použitém modelu. Pro většinu uvažovaných modelů je pevnost smykového vyztužení nejvýznamnější základní veličinou

    Universities or “Professional” Schools: Where Are the Limits of the Academia-Industry Linkage (sangaku renkei) Policy?

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    Charles University, Prague We touched this question for the first time about three years ago when we had started the tricky process of obtaining the official accreditation of our newly proposed curriculum in Japanese studies, which is the basic precondition for having right to provide education, to award degrees, and for gaining the financial support from the Ministry of Education, of course. The description of this process itself, which is mainly in hands of ministerial bureaucrats, would be, without any doubts, an excellent topic for another special lecture. However, I intend to focus on a particular problem concerning the perspectives on linkage between universities and industry / business only. The main goal of my brief paper is just to pose questions, summarize the main arguments, outline the pros and cons, and provoke the further discussion and inquiries rather than provide the definite answers to the mentioned question

    Motivational structure of selected population groups for combat sports

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    This master's thesis primarily focuses on the investigation and analysis of motivational structures among selected population groups in relation to combat sports. The theoretical part of the thesis delves into a more detailed examination of the nature and classification of motivation. It also provides an analysis of personality in sports and performance motivation, contributing to the understanding of internal factors influencing individual motivation. Within the theoretical overview, a brief history of karate, judo, aikido, wrestling, and mixed martial arts (MMA) is presented. Additionally, readers are introduced to combat sports, martial arts, and the categorization of combat disciplines. This introductory perspective is crucial for better contextualization of motivation within these specific domains. In the practical part, a quantitative research approach was employed, utilizing the multidimensional questionnaire Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-28). This questionnaire is widely recognized as one of the most extensively used diagnostic tools in the field of sports. With the assistance of the SMS-28 questionnaire and my own custom questionnaire, responses from participants were collected, subsequently analyzed, and served as a source of information for the research questions of this thesis. KEYWORDS...Tato diplomová práce se primárně zaměřuje na zjištění a analýzu motivačních struktur vybraných skupin populace ve vztahu k úpolovým sportům. V teoretické části práce je podrobněji zkoumána povaha motivace a její klasifikace. Dále se předkládá rozbor osobnosti ve sportu a výkonové motivace, které přispívají k pochopení vnitřních faktorů ovlivňujících motivaci jedinců. V rámci teoretického přehledu je také poskytnut stručný přehled historie karate, juda, aikida, zápasu a MMA. Dále jsou čtenáři představeny úpolové sporty, bojová umění a rozdělení úpolových disciplín. Tento úvodní pohled je důležitý pro lepší kontextualizaci motivace v rámci těchto specifických oblastí. V praktické části byl proveden kvantitativní výzkum, při kterém byl využit multidimenzionální dotazník Sport motivation scale (SMS-28). Tento dotazník patří mezi nejvíce využívané diagnostické nástroje v oblasti sportu. S pomocí SMS-28 dotazníku a také mého vlastního dotazníku byly získány odpovědi od respondentů, které byly následně analyzovány a sloužily jako zdroj informací pro výzkumné otázky této práce. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Motivační struktury, Vybrané skupiny populace, Bojové sporty, Osobnost ve sportu, Karate, Judo, Aikido, Zápas, Smíšená bojová umění (MMA), Úpolové disciplíny, Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-28)Katedra tělesné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult